The satisfactory results in the dairy production are guaranteed by using a perfect technology and high quality equipment adequate to your specific technology.Our vast experience in the production of dairying equipment has contributed to the ability of reaching a quality which will guarantee your good results.We can offer to you a large range of technological equipment for dairy production.
The main business activity of Marimax Inox LTD is the production of stainless steel vessels and equipment. We offer equipment for white cheese, yellow cheese and other dairy products. For the dairy industry we produce, as follows: Receiving units, Containers for milk preservation, Milk tank trucks, Cheese tank, Dairy preparation tanks, Fermentation tanks, Impediment tanks, Draining drums, Curd tanks, Machines for yellow cheese cutting, Press for taking out of cakes of cheese, Stainless shelves, Stainless tables, Cheese weights and other auxiliary equipment.
Please take a look at some of our finalized products:
Milk tank truck
Tank truck for milk transportation. Marimax Inox LTD produces tank trucks for milk transportation. We manufacture:
Tank trucks with different dimensions and appropriate volumes.
They can be with thermally insulated sections of different numbers, each one with a separate flanged bottom edge. Sets with a reception unit, and mounting on a chassis is available.
We offer solutions that are fully consistent with the requirements of each individual client.
Cheese preparation tank
Cheese vat double “O”
The cheese preparation tank is manufactured with oval shape and is fully made of stainless steel. Cutters and agitators are united in a common construction as one of the turning directions is used for cutting and the other one is used for stirring respectively. The agitator revolutions are gradually adjusted. It is equipped with a washing system. The milk in the pool of the tank is indirectly heated with steam through the steam jacket.
Milk preservation tanks
Marimax Inox LTD produces tanks for preservation of milk and other nutrient liquids. Stainless containers with: insulation of mineral wool with fully welded stainless coating, stirring device, heating/cooling jacket for optimal temperature needed, washing system, level indicator, air vent, upper and lower manholes. Volumes and assembles are fully tailored to the individual requirements of each customer.
Fermentation tanks
Fermentation tank with volume of 1 cubic m, with vertical propeller, channel jacket over the bottom and cylinder part.
For the dairy industry we offer production of fermentation tanks. Manufacture of various volumes of milk fermentation tanks, insulated, with heating/ cooling jacket, agitating device and other components depending on the customer preferences.
CIP Vessels
CIP system intended for on-site cleaning of the production equipment.
We offer production of tanks for CIP /System for central washing of various volumes. Tanks made of stainless steel AISI 304 or AISI 316, depending on the purpose they are intended for. The containers can be manufactured in various volumes.
Impediment tanks
Production of impediment tanks of various volumes.